Sunday, September 28, 2008


I would like to say a few words about wedding ceremony rehearsals. We don't do them. There are many reasons for this decision on our part not to do wedding rehearsals.
First, our brides get to read their wedding ceremonies in plenty of time before the wedding so they know what takes place when. During the ceremony they are directed by the words of the ceremony to what comes next. For the most part, they are standing there in front of the Reverend and standing at a forty five degree angle to him so they can see each other and him and their guests can see them. The only time they have to move is to do the unity candle or sand ceremony or a medallion ceremony. Then they just have to move a little bit and they can see where they have to go. Then of course, they kiss at the end, but this comes naturally.
Second, rounding up attendants to run through the processional is like herding greased pigs. Some can't make it because they have to work late, others have prior obligations. You would be amazed. The ones that come are impatient to get it over and get to the partying and are paying no attention. The ones that sort of pay attention forget the next day what was done the night before. I asked a group of groomsmen what they did at the rehearsal last week and they said "got drunk." You get the picture. The ones that didn't come get panicked because they don't know what to do and they think the others do. (They don't either).
Third, if you are having your ceremony at a country club, hotel, banquet hall, then they have paid staff to run though the rehearsal if you insist. Just fill us in quickly when we get there so we know what is going on and everything is fine. If you are having a home, beach or garden wedding, the weather could change everything anyway. We have been doing this for years and we know what we are doing. You have been walking a straight line for years and you know what you are doing. We just need to know which one is the best man, which one is the maid of honor and you can email us any special details like if the parents are entering to music, if the bride is being escorted by her father or whomever, and if you want the men to wait up front or escort the bridesmaids down the aisle. We need to charge for our time and travel and we do not want to cause you any unneeded expense by having a rehearsal that is not needed. If you want to party, that's fine. Use is as an occasion to give your attendants their gifts and to give them a rough idea of the order they will enter and where they will stand. We will be glad to discuss this with you but we don't need to be there.